Gallery Gallery Double cleft oak entrance gates in Westonbirt Arboretum Cleft oak gate hurdle in a sunny garden Rustic cleft oak garden gate Young hazel coppice in the sunlight Hazel rods for hurdle making Ceft oak five bar gate Pegged tenons on a cleft oak gate Spreading bellflower in hazel coppice Hewing an oak gate post Oak silhouettes at sunset Goldcrest in witch hazel Peined stainless nails for gate hurdles Cleft gate hurdles in the coppice Starting to hew an oak gate post Oak throwover latch Mallet collection Melting frost on a hazel leaf Throwover latch on large oak gates Pegged oak gate hurdles Large cleft oak double ranch style entrance gates Mortise and tenon joint Cleft oak gate hurdle Mezzanine frames Autumn in the young coppice Cleft and hewn gate posts Frosty holly Sun beams in frosty coppice Sunny winters day in hazel coppice Double pair of cleft oak gates in the sun Double oak gates Thinning standards to restore hazel coppice Large cleft oak entrance gates Oak planter Hardwood firewood seasoning Oak planter Pegs and bolts Large cleft oak field gate made in Westonbirt Arboretum Large cleft oak gate and drawknife Sunny winters day in Westonbirt coppice Riven oak gate hurdle Timber framing pegs Pegged mortice and tenon joints Handmade cleft oak gate hurdle in a Devon garden Cleft oak swing seat for sale in Westonbirt Arboretum Oak trees in summer Cleft oak bench back with pegged joints Oak timber framing pegs Spreading bellflower in Westonbirt coppice Cleft oak showing beautiful Medullary Rays Hardwood firewood seasoning for next year Hazel stool growing well Green woodworking tools Cleft oak gate hurdle in use in the garden Cleft oak swing seat Green oak timber frame Greenwood working shelter Travisher used to shape bench seat Quarter of straight grained oak Removing Oak sapwood with an axe Bespoke guitar stand made from Yew, Ash and Hawthorne Snapped beach tree Cleft oak swing seat joint Oak swing seat Share this:FacebookX