Cleft Oak Gates
All Westonbirt oak gates can be made to any size, shape or design. The gates are all riven from straight grained, knot free oak to ensure maximum strength. Being made from oak they will last for many, many years.
If left they will weather to a beautiful silvery grey or they can be oiled to keep a brighter colour.

Entrance gates
Large rustic oak gates are a beautiful addition to a driveway or field opening. They can be made in singles or doubles and with any design you can think up.
The size, number of rails and brace design affects the price of the gates so please get in touch for a price.

Garden gates and gate hurdles
My small cottage gates are popular with people who want to keep pets off the veg patch or to create a secret entrance into another part of the garden. They can be made from straight grained oak or for a real feature piece, I can source lovely curvy pieces of oak.
Gate hurdles are a great way to finish off a herbacious border and keep plants from flopping over. They can have two or three rails and are generally between two and three feet wide.
Due to how variable all gates and hurdles are, please contact me to get a quote.

Oak gate posts and installation
No gate would be complete without posts and hinges to install it.
I can supply either sawn or cleft oak posts. Cleft posts are split out from logs and then hewn out to shape and size with an axe or adze. These posts are very much in keeping with the style of the gates and can have beautiful natural curves.
Sawn posts are milled either with an alaskan chainsaw mill or with the sawmill onsite at Westonbirt Arboretum.
All gates can be installed if required.

I can get custom hinges made up by a local blacksmith. This adds a real extra beauty to the gates. These can be finished in black or galvanised.